Crystalien sub-species

Which Crystal of power will you harvest?
properties: Balance and stability
– The Agatians are balanced in their virtuous ways of life, a species of perfectionists and calculated beings.
properties: Art and creativity
– The Amathesians are artistic and colourful and a little bit messy. They are beings of pure creation and sometimes their genius dominates their order.
properties: Courage and truth
– The Amazonians are couragous and wise. They are heroic and stand in justice against any evil to disrupt the flow of life.
properties: Agents of the sea
– The Aquamarinians are devout servants of the sea. Theyre hybrid species can live on both land and under water. Theyre planet is dominated by oceans with very little land.
properties: Heavenly beings
– The Celestians bridge the heavens and the livings. Theyre widely respected amongst other Crystalien species as they are sacred beings which are connected to the spirit planet.
Crazy lace agate
properties: Laughter and Joy
– Crazy lace Agatians are joyous beings who live through laughter and amusement. Theyre positive energy shines bright throughout their planet, and their humourus characteristics entertain any visiting species.
properties: Stone of light, High class
– The Diamonians are the upper class of the Crystalien species. Living in divine luxury, these aliens indulge in a finer class of living, and are always immaculate in presentation.
properties: Stone of vision
– The Iolitians see with more than just eyes. They are extremely observant and patient beings. They see through lies, and even through time.
properties: Stone of women, feminine
– The Kunzitians are the only feminine species of Crystalien. They are worshipped and respected amongst the 18 other planets. They are warm hearted and intuitive beings, and the prized civilization of this race.
properties: Stone of the Northern lights
– The Labradorians are children of the stars. They live on a dark planet with a bright beautiful sky which dictates their lifestyle. Theyre students of the cosmos and they love outdoor activities.
properties: Travelling, adventuring
– The Moonstaliens are a travelling species. They carry messages throughout the Crystalaxy and deliver goods and services. The pioneers of interstellar travel, they are responsible for the crystalien species reaching earth.
properties: Sorcery and magic
– The Nuumaliens are the sorcerers Crystaliens. They are the oldest species of Crystalien and exert magic throught their every move. They are very pure beings and considered sacred amongst the Crystalien species.
Pink quartz
properties: Innocence, immaturity, politeness
– The Pink quartians are young spirited and honest beings. They are very expressive of themselves and dont take well to conflict. They are friendly and well mannerred.
properties: warriors, conflict, combatants
– The Spessartans are a fighting species of Crystalien. They possess dangerous capabilities, and large egos. Theyre students of war and protectors of peace in the Crystalaxy.
properties: Stone of the skies
– The Turquoisans are beings of the skies. They live in floating mountains and are very hard to track. Theyre mischevous and witty and see all from above.
Purple flourite
properties: Mythology, Monsters
– The Purple Flouritians are a band of mythical creatures and dreamers. Theyre realm is extraordinary and unpredictable. Home to mythical creatures, their planet is far from normal, but filled with excitement.
Rose quartz
properties: Love and companionship
– The Rose quartians are beings of love. They never travel alone, and always have atleast one companion to share experiences with. They are masters of relationships and are very selfless in nature.
properties: Royalty, Kings
– The Rubanians are the Royal family of the Crystalaxy. They govern laws of life in the Crystalaxy. Though they can be arrogant, they are respected by the Crystaliens for their responsibility in controlling the power they posess.
Yellow apatite
properties: futuristic, unique, quirky
– The Yellow apatians live ahead of their time. They possess unique technologies and their own style of living. Theyre very wise and advance at a much faster rate than their neighbouring species.